Reply to Chang and Ram: Statistical Adequacy and the Reliability of Inference
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FIRST, WE WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE TO JIH CHANG AND RATI Ram for the tone of our Comment; we in no way meant to be denigrating. When submitting the paper we had no clue that such offense would be taken. On receiving the response from Chang and Ram and rereading what we said, we can see why offense was taken. If we could reword our Comment as it goes to electronic press, we would.
This article is a response to Response to Edwards and McGuirk: Income Level, Economic Growth, and Inequality: Flawed Methodology and Inaccurate Inference by Jih Y. Chang and Rati Ram (EJW, August 2004).
Response to this article by Jih Y. Chang and Rati Ram: Rate of Economic Growth, Level of Development, and Income Inequality: Rejoinder to the Reply by Edwards and McGuirk (EJW, August 2004).