Theory, Evidence, and Belief—The Colonial Money Puzzle Revisited: Reply to Michener and Wright
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Econ Journal Watch contacted me for the first time about this exchange just one month before this appears. I had about two weeks to write this reply such that it would appear along with the Michener and Wright comment published here, rather than in the subsequent issue. Because I believe for readers’ sake that authors should reply and should follow hard on the heels of their attackers, I have had to work in sudden haste. I apologize in advance for the reply’s rough and unpolished hue.
This article is a response to Miscounting Money of Colonial America by Ronald W. Michener and Robert E. Wright (EJW, January 2006).
Response to this article by Ronald W. Michener and Robert E. Wright: Farley Grubb’s Noisy Evasions on Colonial Money: A Rejoinder (EJW, May 2006).