A. M. C. Waterman
The bio below comes from a published article and may now be dated.

A. M. C. Waterman read economics at Cambridge, where Joan Robinson was his supervisor. Later he studied theology, in which he has a degree, and was ordained to the priesthood. His bishop determined that he should have an academic ministry as an economist, and directed him to take a doctorate. His doctoral research on the Australian business cycle at the Australian National University under Trevor Swan and Noel Butlin became his first book. In 1979–80 he was Maurice Reckitt Fellow in Christian Social Thought at the University of Sussex, and his work since that time has addressed various aspects of the relation between theology and economic theory in Christian thinking. He resigned his orders in 1982 and is now an Anglican (i.e., Episcopal) layman. His email address is watermn@cc.umanitoba.ca.