Brian J. Loasby
The bio below comes from a published article and may now be dated.

Brian Loasby, a Cambridge graduate, held appointments at the Universities of Aberdeen, Birmingham and Bristol before joining in 1967 the new University of Stirling, where he is now emeritus professor. He was elected Fellow of the British Academy in 1994 and was vice-president of the International Schumpeter Society 2000-2004. The prime focus of his work is the growth and organization of knowledge within economics and economic systems, ranging from the history of thought and economic methodology to business management, entrepreneurship and innovation, with increasing emphasis on cognitive and evolutionary aspects. His publications include Choice, Complexity and Ignorance (Cambridge University Press 1976), The Mind and Method of the Economist (Edward Elgar 1989), Equilibrium and Evolution (Manchester University Press 1991), Knowledge, Institutions and Evolution in Economics (Routledge 1999), joint winner of the Schumpeter Prize in 2000, and many articles in economic journals (for biography see