Scholarly Comments on Academic Economics

Daniel K. Finn

The bio below comes from a published article and may now be dated.

Daniel K. Finn

Daniel Finn is Clemens Professor of Economics and Professor of Theology at St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota. He earned an M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. He is a past president of the Association for Social Economics, the Society of Christian Ethics, and the Catholic Theological Society of America. His books include Christian Economic Ethics: History and Implications (Fortress, 2013), The Moral Ecology of Markets: A Framework for Assessing Justice in Economic Life (Cambridge, 2006), Distant Markets, Distant Harms: Economic Complicity and Christian Ethics (editor, Oxford, 2014), and The True Wealth of Nations: Catholic Social Thought and Economic Life (editor, Oxford, 2010). His email address is dfinn@​