Scholarly Comments on Academic Economics

Stefan Kolev

The bio below comes from a published article and may now be dated.

Stefan Kolev

Stefan Kolev is professor of political economy at the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Germany, and the deputy director of the Wilhelm Röpke Institute in Erfurt. He serves as co-editor of the Journal of Contextual Economics—​Schmollers Jahrbuch and of the ORDO Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. He is among the co-founders of Network for Constitutional Economics and Social Philosophy (NOUS) and is in charge of the NOUS young scholars seminar series. His research focuses on the link between the history of liberalism and the history of German-language political economy. Stefan has published on the connections among Friedrich A. Hayek, the “Old Chicago” School, and the ordoliberals, as well as on the revitalization of ordoliberal thought today and tomorrow. Currently, his interests focus on the German Historical School, on early German-language economic sociology, especially Max Weber, as well as on the connection of the Bloomington School to ordoliberalism. His email address is