In this issue:
UCLA Economics:
In 1952 William R. Allen came to UCLA, where he is emeritus today. His account of UCLA economics involves many great figures, especially Armen Alchian.
What Kind of Economics Can Government Economists Do?
A reprint of William R. Allen’s 1977 History of Political Economy article based on some 60 interviews with economists who served in government.
Ideology Revealed in Economist Petitions:
The authors analyze the 10,792 signatures on 35 economist petitions, distinguishing petitions that augment liberty from those that reduce it. Economists and schools are ranked accordingly. The results indicate how fundamental ideology really is.
Organ Liberalization: What Say You?
Jon Diesel shows that the published judgments of economists mostly favor allowing payments to organ suppliers.
Czech Economists on Economic Policy:
Dan Stastny reports on a survey of Czech economists and draws some comparisons with their American counterparts.
FDR, the New Deal, and Economic Recovery:
Gauti Eggertsson replies to Steven Horwitz’s critique of his AER article.
“Economic Enlightenment”??
Short critiques of Zeljka Buturovic and Dan Klein, by Rod Hill, E.D. Kain, Daniel Kuehn, and David Ruccio.
EJW Audio:
Wreck the Currency or Default on the Debt? Jeff Hummel anticipates U.S. sovereign default.