By Zeljka Buturovic and Daniel Klein
We invite the submission of criticism of our May 2010 EJW piece on economic enlightenment and the follow-up 8 June op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.
Below we link to 11 criticisms found on the web. We have tried to send an email to those critics, alerting them to our interest in submitting a critical comment of 200-1000 words to Econ Journal Watch. The exchange will be handled by EJW managing editor Kevin Rollins, who will let invited critics say what they like, within the word limit. Submissions of comments to this exchange should be sent to Rollins at the following email address by 31 July 2010: Comments will appear along with our response in a future issue of Econ Journal Watch—we hope in the September 2010 issue.
The exchange is to “stand alone.” Critics should not assume that readers have read their critical posts elsewhere. Reproduce the points you think most important. Don’t worry about making points that are likely to be made also by other participants in the exchange – coverage, not parsimony, is paramount.
Submissions from others are also welcome, but priority will be given to those specifically invited (including all those listed below).
By the way, we intend to look into the possibility of conducting another survey, to include several questions specifically challenging policy views of conservatives and/or libertarians. We welcome suggestions for such questions.
11 Critics of Buturovic-Klein (all of whom are invited to submit critical commentary)
Many other criticisms appeared, but we believe that this set adequately covers the range of points made against our work.
11 critics listed alphabetically by last name:
Critic | Venue and link | Date | |
1 | Stephen Bainbridge | ProfessorBainbridge | 8 June |
2 | Bruce Bartlett | Capital Gains and Games | 8 June |
3 | Jonathan Chait | The New Republic blog | 8 June |
4 | Rod Hill | The Economics Anti-Textbook | 12 May |
5 | E.D. Kain | The Washington Examiner (and SF Exam.) | 9 June |
6 | Daniel Kuehn | Facts and Other Stubborn Things | 9 May |
7 | ”Citizen Rat” | Daily Kos | 10 June |
8 | David Ruccio | | 10 May |
9 | Nate Silver | FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right | 8 June |
10 | Roger Williams | Elephant Journal/Desert Standard | 13 June |
11 | John K. Wilson | Daily Kos | 11 June |