EJW Audio
The voice of Econ Journal Watch
The host of EJW Audio is Lawrence H. White, a co-editor of EJW and professor of economics at George Mason University.
In a typical EJW Audio podcast, Professor White and the author of a recent EJW article discuss that article and related issues.
Art Carden discusses his EJW article with Phil Magness vindicating William H. Hutt from “racism”/“white supremacism” charges leveled by Will…
David Barker criticizes the article in Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, by Federal Reserve researchers, which concluded that climate c…

Illustrating with Sweden and economics, Eva Forslund and Magnus Henrekson explore the pull toward using English in academics, and the downsi…
Drawing on his EJW article coauthored with Amelia Janaskie, Phil Magness criticizes Quinn Slobodian’s work on Ludwig von Mises and criticize…
Michael Weissman, a physicist, criticizes three papers published in Physical Review Physics Education Research, based on his EJW article pub…
Sebastián Rodríguez discusses his article with Gilberto Ramírez on liberalism in Colombia, which is the 22nd article in the Classical Libera…
Echoing Gunnar Myrdal, Dan Klein praises ideological disclosure, viewing it as similar to the disclosure of vested interests. He shares surv…
Benoît Malbranque discusses an early statement of the laissez-faire principle that emphasized the impossibility of the state gathering suffi…
Jens Grandell discusses the rise of liberal ideas in Finland over the 19th century, and the role of language—Finnish versus Swedish—in makin…
Austin Sandler finds that an ill-founded rule is being mechanically applied in anthropometry to discard datasets, and he argues that it harm…