We invite authors to send ideas for comments and papers. Use the form below to contact EJW editor Daniel Klein, or email him directly at dklein@gmu.edu .
Contact EJW Comments, submissions, and questions about EJW are encouraged and should be sent via email to Daniel Klein or one of the co-editors:
Editor Daniel Klein George Mason University
Co-Editors David Barker
Brendan Beare University of Sydney
Andrew Gelman Columbia University
Robert Kaestner University of Chicago
George Selgin University of Georgia
Lawrence H. White George Mason University
Co-Editor Emeritus Bruce L. Benson Florida State University
Written correspondence may be sent to the following address (but email is much better):
Daniel Klein Editor, Econ Journal Watch Department of Economics 4400 University Drive MS 3G4 George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030